Of course it is only normal that you may be in a panic at this point. However, try your best to regain your composure and clear your mind. How you respond to this initial breakup text, phone call, letter, or however your ex chose to communicate with you will either increase or decrease your chances of getting back together after a breakup.
Do not panic! This can be very damaging and ultimately decrease your odds of getting back together after a breakup. Why is panic so destructive? It can confirm your ex’s decision to break up and It can push your ex further away. Here are some mistakes people always do with their ex.
1. Text Message Terrorism – You text your ex repeatedly trying to get them to respond.
2. Drunk Dialing – You don’t have to be drunk for this to happen. I merely mean trying to contact your ex when you are not thinking clearly due to your situation.
3. Contacting Friends and Family – Going through others to try and find out about your ex.
4. “Accidental” Meetings – Ok, so these really aren’t so accidental and your ex can see through that.
If you have already blown it, don’t worry. You can overcome your mistakes. If you haven’t…congratulations! Your next steps will be a little easier.

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