Everything is smooth sailing between them. They seem to enjoy being together. They won't last a day without talking personally or on the phone. They always plan for a night-out or a trip...
The list of sweet situations they get themselves into goes on and on. BUT one question seems to bug the woman, if not both of them: "Does he truly love me ?"
I won't be surprised if you're going nuts for days because of this 5-worded question. Now hold your horses before you go ballistic.
I'll be spilling out some practical tricks that would answer that question in no time!
Does He Truly Love Me Trick 1: Tell him about another guy you met.
Tell him how you bumped into this newcomer, the topic of your conversation, his mannerisms that you noticed, and more. Make sure that you're as detailed as possible and show that you're quite happy meeting this new guy.
Men are very territorial.
Once they realize somebody might swoop in and snatch someone who's important to them...someone they love, they put their guard on. They get green-eyed. If you're boyfriend shows even the slightest sign of jealousy - BINGO! It means you matter so much to him he won't risk you being grabbed from him.
Does He Truly Love Me Trick 2: For once, try not to talk when you're with him.
Just go for simple verbal nods like "uh-huh" or "yeah". Does he try to shift the conversation into something entertaining to make you talk? Or does he ask you what's wrong?
If he does, then you've found a winner! A man who's truly in-love communicates.
And communication isn't a one-way street. He's waiting for you to talk, he's interested on what you're to say and concerned with something wrong you may be feeling.
He cares.
Does He Truly Love Me Trick 3 : Some of you may consider this a little overboard but this works. Get in his way. If he has an appointment at the gym or a night-out with his friends, call him. Tell him that you need to see him urgently and that you can't wait another day as you have something important to tell him.
You better have a gift ready - a postcard, flowers, etc., because when he comes, that means he's putting his personal interests aside for you...he loves you.
Hand him that gift of appreciation. He'll sure love you for it.
One final note, don't overdo these tricks! Throwing them at your boyfriend will give the wrong idea and you don't want that.
Give these tricks a shot and answer the question, "Does he truly love me?"

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