Were you and your ex very close at one time? The longer you were together and the closer you were, the higher the odds of a successful reunion. Regardless of how long you were together, here are some signs to look for that may indicate your ex still loves you:
Does My Ex Still Love Me Quiz
* They are always showing up where you are and making it seem like a coincidence.
* They find excuses to call you a lot.
* They hang on to items or wear clothing that reminds them of your relationship.
* They are constantly asking mutual friends about what's going on in your life, who you're with, what you did over the weekend, etc.
* They act jealous if they hear you're seeing someone else.
* They flirt with you.
* They like to talk about the times you had together a lot.
This is only a partial list, but they are some of the most common signs. If any of these things are happening on a regular basis, there is a strong chance your ex is still hooked on you. If you don't notice any of these things happening, that may just mean that your ex's pride is preventing them from showing you their true feelings.
The most important thing you must NOT do, is show any signs of desperation or neediness. This behavior will only push your ex farther away. It's only human nature to pull away from someone who is acting pushy or clingy.Fighting to save your relationship will usually backfire on you. This is one situation where trying too hard is something you want to avoid.
Backing off and giving your ex some space is a step in the right direction. Don't contact them for a while... give the relationship a break and allow them some time to miss you. If you can manage to do this and not fall back into your old needy ways, there is a strong chance you can turn things around and get your ex back.

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