Arguments often end up as messy breakups. Often these arguments are so insignificant and needless that they can be easily set aside with the co-operation of the parties concerned. When disagreements are solved it becomes possible to renew the relationship. If your break up was caused by an argument you will need to perform some serious soul searching.
You have to analyze the argument. You must ask yourself whether the issue was significant to deserve any attention at all and should it be discussed in the present? You must analyze whether you can gain anything at all by sticking on to your opinion and whether you should just let the argument pass. If you find that the argument is baseless and unnecessary and you stand to gain nothing from it you should cast away the argument and move on.
To get your ex boyfriend back you should just be yourself. There is no need to be self conscious and be worried about how people and your boyfriend perceive you. Whether you are plump or slim, intelligent or not, funny or serious it is important to be normal and behave naturally. Artificiality and pretensions won’t help. You ex boyfriend will surely love you more for what you are than what you may be striving to be.
You can keep in touch with your ex boyfriend and communicate with him but you must not involve your emotions in the conversations. By not being emotional you are able to distance yourself from your ex boyfriend mentally; at the same time your ex boyfriend will also get time to settle down and cool his emotions. It also eases the mental stress for both of you and paves a way for reconciliation.
When both of you are calmed down it is easier to meet up and discuss what went wrong in the relationship. Both of you will have enough clarity of mind to analyze the situation in an objective manner. Communication becomes easier and solutions to problems come forth quickly.
Sharing feelings and problems with each other in a civilized manner without getting abusive and being tolerant is the most important step to undoing a break up.

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