Here are the 3 stages that all people go through:
1. They are not on the fence and are perfectly happy and not willing to get on the fence.
2. They are on the fence and feeling quite comfortable. They see all the options, but don’t have a particular preference on what would be best.
3. They are on the fence and wobbling. This is the most common stage right BEFORE and AFTER a decision. The larger the decision, the higher the fence will seem to them and the more unstable they will be.
Let me give you a quick example of how this works.
Think about making a large purchase such as a car.
For years you have been content with your car. The last thing in the world you would ever want to do is go through the stressful process of buying a car. (Here you are off the fence and stable)
One day you are out driving and you begin to notice a clicking noise. This causes you to think about a new car, but you quickly dismiss the idea and figure that the noise really isn’t that bad. (Here you are on the fence and stable)
The next day you are talking with your friend who mentions a large repair bill he just had. After hearing this, you realized that you better think more about your options.
Now you are wobbling….
You think, “a new car means that you need $2000 down and $500 a month in payments. It also means that your insurance is sure to go up.” On the other hand, “maybe the repairs are worth it…after all, old faithful must have a few years left.”
Now you don’t know what to do and you are wobbling. You realize that a big decision is imminent. When you are at the weebly wobbly stage, you are the most uncertain about your decision-making process and are more likely to be influenced.
WARNING! I must warn you that you are most likely to win an ex back at this stage…but you must be very careful. While your ex may be easily influenced to come back, he or she may also be very emotional at this point.
So where is your ex at? If they are at the weebly wobbly stage, you have an excellent chance of winning an ex back. However, if they are not, you may be able to gently coax them toward this stage. Does all that make sense? Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of how to read your ex and some of the clues you need to know to determine what your ex may be thinking about you and the possibility of your future together.

make you ex jealous and if he.she actually feels jealous then it is sure sign that he/she still wanna be with you.
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