Friday, October 30

Get Ex Girlfriend Back

If you are longing to have your ex girlfriend in your life even after the split up you have to execute a definite plan of action. Instead of leaving things to your fate you should make an effort to win your girl back. The key is subtlety in all your actions. Your girl’s feelings for you will be stirred up once again when you make her realize that you still love her. Here are 5 steps to reach out to your girlfriend and get ex girlfriend back .

1. Display your affection for your girlfriend by touching her. Hold her hands or give her a warm hug. You should make yourself endearing. Pretending to be a person too hard to reach is not going to impress your girl friend. But warmth of heart certainly will. However you should decrease communication with her. That will make her miss you and she will want to come back more than ever.

2. Maintaining casual communication with your ex girlfriend is a must. This helps to stay in touch with her. If you lose contact with your ex you will never get her back. E-mails are a great way to pass on a friendly message. But don’t overdo it. Don’t flood her mail box with long mails about how much you love her. This will overwhelm your ex and drive her away. Instead keep your messages brief, friendly and casual. Don’t involve emotions in your communication.

3. Don’t enter into casual relationships with other girls after your break up. Your girlfriend may be a sport and may not get offended by your dating other ladies. If you let other girls into your life your ex may distance herself from you thinking that you have moved on in life and you may never get her back.

4. If you want your girl back you must show her how important she is to you. You must treat her like a queen. Remembering her birthday and sending her cards and flowers will make her understand that you still care for her. Congratulate her for her achievements and reassure her that you are always there for her. With these positive actions you can get back your girlfriend.

5. Don’t leave your girlfriend guessing where you are and what you are doing. Make sure you drop text messages with your ex girlfriend to keep her informed about your life. Most importantly never let your girlfriend think that you are enjoying life without her. Instead you must show your girlfriend that you think about her often. This will assure her that you still love her and she will come back to you.

There are no fixed processes that guarantee your winning back your girlfriend. However the steps described in this article are meant to set you on the right track and help you get back your ex. These ideas were developed by T ‘Dub’ Jackson. His book ‘The Magic of Making Up’ contains an action plan for undoing breakups. The plan has saved many relationships the world over.

Wednesday, October 28

Does He Still Love Me

We have recently been receiving the following question a lot: "Does my ex still love me?" So if your heart still burns passionately for your ex and you're wondering if theirs does the same, here are top ten tips to know they still have you on their mind day and night. This will answer the question "does he still love me"

1) The daily phone call. If you can almost predict when your ex will be phoning you today "just to chat a bit", you can be dead sure it's more than just a casual phone call. Being called every day or in some clear pattern is a sure sign of love.

2) You are made a part of their day. This can take the shape of anything, including them just quickly coming over to "lend something" all the way through to you going for a drink after work every night. If it happens frequently, it's because they still need to be around you. Needy? Definitely. Does your ex still love you? Without a doubt.

3) Talking about the good ol' days. This one should be number one. If you and your ex are chatting away and they jokingly brings up a great memory the two of you share, it's some serious nostalgia kicking in there. They are wondering how it would be to have that with you again right now.

4) Your ex doesn't notice the opposite sex. A very common question we ask first when approached with the question "does my ex still love me", is if your ex has been dating other people. Sometimes your ex will avoid the opposite sex completely in an unconscious attempt to prove to you that you're the only one for them.

5) Jealousy makes your ex nasty. If your ex does some behind-your-back recon to find out if you are dating again, or gets weird when you are talking to the opposite sex, they are still protective over you. People are only protective over things they value and love, which means only one thing...

6) It's your birthday every day. If you are showered with gifts every day, this obviously is a little strange. Typical justifications for this is that they just thought you'd enjoy this little thing (even thought it might be a $200 watch or something). An obvious one, but nevertheless worth mentioning as a great sign. "Does my ex still love me?" Of course!

7) Behind-your-back recon. Another fantastic sign is that you hear from mutual friends that your ex has been asking about you a lot. This simply happens because they are burning to ask you yourself but carries to much pride to do it face to face. There is only one reason why they are hearing how you are. They are still thinking about you non-stop.

8) Always on your side. If you ever happen to get into an argument with somebody else while your ex is around and your ex immediately takes you side, you can take this as a very positive sign.

9) Your ex is hitting the gym again. You remember how, for all those months you were together your ex only went to gym twice? Now you hear that they are getting in shape 5 times a week! Take a deep breath, smile and know that it's only, ONLY for when the run into you again. Trust me.

10) They become completely submissive. Without knowing it they can actually kill all attraction you have for them by being like this. It does happen though that they can start saying for for the smallest things, spoiling you and really meeting all their promises. Note that it's NOT them promising to change, it's them actually having changed.

After field-testing this for years, these 10 tips have proven themselves over and over again. It answers perfectly the question “does my ex still love me”. If you could answer yes to any of these, you don't realize how close you potentially are to getting your ex back!

Monday, October 26

Get Ex Boyfriend Back

You still love him!! You really do!! and because of that, we want to help you. Here are proven effective method to get ex boyfriend back .

1. Consider why it is you broke up in the first place. Do you just want him back just because you feel that you can't have him? Or maybe you just like the idea of having a boyfriend? Were one (or both) of you abusive, controlling, mean, or possessive? Did one (or both) cheat? If any of these things happened, you'll want to think long and hard about going back to that kind of relationship.

2. Be the person he fell in love with. He was attracted to you because he felt good with you, and you were fulfilling his emotional needs. How have you changed? Correct bad habits and mistakes, if any. Be positive around him. Laugh and smile. Always stay positive to feel good about yourself and make friends around you.

3. The first thing that you say to your ex boyfriend is extremely important. If you say the wrong words, you will lose the chance to get your ex boyfriend back. Do not respond to your ex request for a breakup by crying and begging him to come back. This will not work. You are just going to make him feel more irritated and drive him further away. You need to understand that even though he initiates the breakup, there is a good chance that he still harbors good feelings for you.

4. Use the past to your advantage. If he's ever complimented your outfit, wear it again. Or, share a light-hearted memory with him. If you have a chance to meet him, do it at a familiar place you used to hang out together.

5. Listen carefully to his choice of words. If he ever uses an unusual or uncommon word, casually slip it into the conversation again. This subconsciously tells him that he and you are similar due to exclusive and similar ways of talking.

6. Casually ask if he'd like to do something non-committal, like have a drink with friends, play miniature golf, play tennis, etc. Something friends and first dates alike can do. And whatever it is, keep it fun. Skip out on the serious talks for now. You'll have plenty of time to talk about that later. That's very threatening to a lot of guys. If he initiates it, follow his lead. But don't go heavy.

7. Let him know you were thinking about him. Remember that one time you two went to dinner at that great new restaurant and had a fabulous time? Leave him a short email telling him you ate there recently and thought of him. And, by the way, how is he doing? This is a non-threatening way to have a light conversation, and also, a small request for a reply back.

8. Invite him to talk to you. Express regret things weren't working out between you and ask if you can talk about it now that you have some perspective. Ask if what went wrong was related to what you've been working on. Your ex may have a different perspective!

9. Pay a little attention to your appearance if you have been neglecting yourself in that department.

10. If you just broke up (less than a couple weeks) completely ignore him. He will call you if he likes you. If he doesn't then nothing you say or wear will change that.( This works unless you are dealing with a guy that thinks that if you arent coming after him, you dont care. Sometimes, ignoring him makes him feel like you are perfectly fine without him and are moving on, which is the exact opposite of what you want when you are trying to get back with your man. Be sure you know exactly what type of guy you are dealing with when trying to get him back.)

11. Remember, no situation is hopeless. Every day, couples get back together regardless of the situation.

12. Agree with the break-up . The most important thing you can do is agree with the break-up because as long as you're fighting against his decision you won't be able to work towards getting him back. What you resist, persists!

13. Find other things to focus on. If you focus your attention on a new activity, you will have less time to miss your ex boyfriend. You feel stronger and more in control of your life. And if you are still in contact, your boyfriend will notice that you have "moved on". This will make you more desirable to him.

These are some proven ways to get your ex back . So get him back for good.

Thursday, October 22

Get Your Ex Back Even If They Are Dating

Is your ex dating someone else but you still want to get him back? Does that mean you no longer stand a chance to get him/her back? Is he/she going to forget you?

No. On the contrary, you stand a better chance to get your ex back if they are dating someone new. Impossible as it sounds - that is what the reality says if you know how to handle this situation. Remember, this is where you should keep cool and never panic. Panic is just going to make it harder for you.

Don't contact your ex. Contact is strictly avoidable. Your ex is going through a rebound relationship. All you have to do is wait till it breaks.

Will it break? Chances are extremely high that it will - if you and your ex are still in a recovery mode (within 1-2 months of the break up). What your ex is going through is a rebound relationship - I shall discuss that in another post. But, in summary, such relationships normally break and seldom last long.

What is positive about it? Everything.

• By the time your ex breaks up the rebound relationship, s/he will realize the weaknesses in his/her current relationship.

• Because of these same reasons, s/he will start appreciating more deeply the history and moments for togetherness the you of you have enjoyed together. Remember, the new one does not have a history and memory lane in your ex's mind which can be cherished. You do.

• Studies have shown that 9 out of 10 rebound relationships break. So, if you keep your cool then the odds are high that your ex is going to have a break up. This will make him/her more and more nostalgic about your relationship with him/her and will push him/her further towards you. Just make sure that you don't press the panic button and make mistakes.
Hence, you would want to be glad that your ex is dating someone else. It is an indication that he/she will probably be ready for you within a short enough period of time.

As I said, here is a complete system that tells you how exactly to follow up once s/he is over with the rebound relationship. It is one of your best moments to get your ex back, so it makes complete sense to stay prepared.

Tuesday, October 20

How Can I Tell If My Ex Boyfriend Still Likes Me

Yesterday, my friend decided to post into a forum, her problem about her ex boyfriend. and because of this, I decided to make a special blog for her post and for the replies of people that cares about her problem. She wants to know the question on "how can i tell if my ex boyfriend still likes me"

So here's the real scenario: After Being Apart For Over A Year, Me And My Boyfriend Still Text Each Other Daily & Is Trying To Make Each Other Jealous. Is There A Chance We Could Get Back Together?

And here are the replies:

• Yes, I would say the relationship could grow. No relationship starts with both partners telling each other that they are in love with them straight away. That comes further down the line.

• It's possible, it depends on how long you have been close to this person since the breakup. This person knows you well enough to know whether or not what they want in a girlfriend. Since it appears you are still attracted to each other then don't be "clingy" or mention it a lot.

• If someone has told you they love you then I have no idea why you don't think they do love you unless they are using you or have abusive behavior. You can't make someone love you and no one can make you love them. It's love or nothing! If this person treats you well, you get along and have fun together then I'd say it's love. If they are seldom around, you don't feel good about yourself when you are around them then they aren't the person you should be with. Love is about honor, loyalty, being each others best friend, feeling free and comfortable to talk to your mate at any given time about your feelings or problems and it's up to you to decide this. If you don't get any of these things from this person, then it's time for you to move on in order to free yourself up and meet someone else that will appreciate you. It's time to stop the 'childish games' of making each other jealous and either communicate the fact to one another that you want to get back together.

• I'm giving a 97% chance that he no longer loves you, but he could possibly still like you. Either that or maybe he thinks you still like him (which it sounds like you do) and he keeps looking at you because he's uncomfortable around you.

Sunday, October 18

How To Get Your Ex Back

So how to get your ex back ? First, you need to meet her/him. It is the first step and the first proof that you are mentally ready to face him again. After you are mentally ready and have done the due homework to meet your ex for the first time after your break up, it would be time for you to act to start getting in contact with him/her. It is the next step to get him/her back in your arms permanently.

How do you start? Simply place a short phone call. Here is one complete system I have seen it successfully work over and over - almost like psychological mathematics that can hardly go wrong!

Note, this is not just one of those calls you used to make earlier. It is a rather special phone call, approached with enough thought and mental preparation. You need to follow some basic guidelines when you make this call.

1. Keep the phone call short and simple. Don't elongate it, even if you want to talk long.

2. Avoid analyzing your relationship over the phone totally, at any cost.

3. Simply ask your ex to meet at a specific place and time.

4. Choose a specific activity to meet over. This must be a short activity, say for half an hour or an hour. It will ease your ex from the fear of having to talk to you for long.

5. Choose an activity over which you have enough control. For example, choose lunch (which is short and controlled enough) or a tea together. Do not choose a movie or a party from which you can not come out even if you want to.

6. Do not plead or express desperate feelings on the phone.

In short, keep it light. Talk only for a few minutes, and once you feel the old comfortable rapport building up over the phone to a bit, simply extend your invitation (to lunch or tea etc). Simply ask for it, but don't be commanding, pleading or harsh.

Call 5-7 days before you actually go out, so that you can prepare enough in the meanwhile.

Friday, October 16

Does My Ex Still Love Me Quiz

Does my ex still love me? How come he won't return my calls? Is he dating someone else? And what does SHE have that I don't? Sound familiar? If you've been through a breakup recently, the chances are, they do! You don't need those does my ex still love me quiz to know if he still want your relationship to be back. In this article we are going to take a quick look at how to tell if your boyfriend still loves you, and the quick and easy steps you need to take to make sure that you CAN get him back, should you really want to!

Okay, but I need to know if he really loves me. How can I tell?

The truth? Men are NOT that complex of animals. Emotionally, a man is far less complicated than we are as women! If he's loved you once, barring you having done anything really hateful, or damaging to his life (in a major way) the chances are, his love for you is still there, just buried a bit under the weight of a breakup.

What are the best ways to get him back? I can't go on without him!

Honestly? There are about 20 different solid strategies for "winning" your ex back that have been AMAZINGLY effective for thousands of couples. But the truth is, the very FIRST step, must start with you. Write down a list of things YOU need to improve. Not about the relationship, just things in your own life you'd like to be better at. Maybe your career. Maybe your self image. Maybe your health, your ability to communicate or even simply a hobby that you've always been passionate about and never followed through with.

Start taking ACTION on yourself first

I can't stress how important this is...and it dovetails beautifully with the "law of attraction" style stuff which is PROVEN to help you get back ANYTHING in your life that you've lost! Focus on you - and promise the "universe" that you are going to passionately pursue the path that you were put here to accomplish! You'll be amazed at how much begins to come back into your life, and how quickly it happens as well. (And that includes the man who you "thought" was gone forever as well!)

The bottom line?

You CAN get yourself back, and you CAN get your man back too! Just start with the simple steps above, and then you can begin with the more advanced steps below!

Wednesday, October 14

How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

Almost every adult has experienced a break up sometime during their life, and most of the time they just learn how to move on. But what if you're not one of those people that likes to play the victim? You want your ex back and you're willing to do a little work to make it happen. That's a good and smart choice.

Fact is, around 90% of all break ups can be reversed...if you know the steps you need to take to win back your ex. We'll talk about some of those in a second, but first I want to point out that you'll find some amazing resources down at the bottom of this article. These are the best sites I've found at laying out a step-by-step, easy to follow GamePlan for getting back together. You owe it to yourself to take a look.

Okay, So here are some tips on How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

The first step in learning how to get back together with your ex is to determine why exactly the breakup occurred. Even though you can't go back into the past to change the reason the breakup occurred, you can learn from the mistake and try to grow from it.

The breakup may have occurred because of one specific event, or even from a behavior that your ex didn't want to deal with anymore. No matter what the reason for the breakup was, you need to find out the specifics so you can learn how to deal with the situation later on. When you follow the plan outlined at the sites below, you will get your ex back. But this time you want to keep the relationship together, right? So that's step one.

The next step is to make sure you don't make yourself seem needy. Even though almost everyone feels like they need to express to their ex that they cannot live without them, there is no point in telling them that. Instead stay strong, let your ex see that you are okay by yourself, and show everyone around you that you have self confidence and you are happy with yourself. Seeming needy or desperate will only push your ex further away, so make sure to maintain your confidence to get him to crawl right back to you.

This is one of the main points you'll learn when you visit the sites I tell you about below. In fact, you'll learn exactly what to say and how to say it. This one little technique alone can plant the idea in your ex's head that they made a mistake. It's very powerful!

Trying to make your ex jealous is one of the worst things you can do if you want to get back with your ex, since all it is going to do is show him that you have moved on and that he should do the same. Instead, you want him to think that he was the best thing in your life, and that nobody compares to what he had to offer you. By boosting his confidence without seeming needy, he will soon realize the two of you were great together despite the small fight or differences. Also, avoid getting upset if he is seeing someone else, because you won't be able to stop it no matter what you try.

Setting up a meeting to talk with your ex is the best way to sort out the problems the two of you are having as long as you've followed the lessons outlined in the sites below first.

If you go in unprepared, or do what most people do, not only will a get-together with your ex not result in you two getting back together, it will probably wind up making things worse.

Getting back with your ex isn't rocket science, but you need to make sure you are behaving correctly to make him realize he is better off with you. Acting needy or childish will only push your ex further away, and that's the opposite of what you want to do, right.

Just follow the steps and the plan as outlined on the sites below and you'll be all set. Good luck!