1. Display your affection for your girlfriend by touching her. Hold her hands or give her a warm hug. You should make yourself endearing. Pretending to be a person too hard to reach is not going to impress your girl friend. But warmth of heart certainly will. However you should decrease communication with her. That will make her miss you and she will want to come back more than ever.
2. Maintaining casual communication with your ex girlfriend is a must. This helps to stay in touch with her. If you lose contact with your ex you will never get her back. E-mails are a great way to pass on a friendly message. But don’t overdo it. Don’t flood her mail box with long mails about how much you love her. This will overwhelm your ex and drive her away. Instead keep your messages brief, friendly and casual. Don’t involve emotions in your communication.
3. Don’t enter into casual relationships with other girls after your break up. Your girlfriend may be a sport and may not get offended by your dating other ladies. If you let other girls into your life your ex may distance herself from you thinking that you have moved on in life and you may never get her back.

4. If you want your girl back you must show her how important she is to you. You must treat her like a queen. Remembering her birthday and sending her cards and flowers will make her understand that you still care for her. Congratulate her for her achievements and reassure her that you are always there for her. With these positive actions you can get back your girlfriend.
5. Don’t leave your girlfriend guessing where you are and what you are doing. Make sure you drop text messages with your ex girlfriend to keep her informed about your life. Most importantly never let your girlfriend think that you are enjoying life without her. Instead you must show your girlfriend that you think about her often. This will assure her that you still love her and she will come back to you.
There are no fixed processes that guarantee your winning back your girlfriend. However the steps described in this article are meant to set you on the right track and help you get back your ex. These ideas were developed by T ‘Dub’ Jackson. His book ‘The Magic of Making Up’ contains an action plan for undoing breakups. The plan has saved many relationships the world over.