When you’re trying to get your ex boyfriend back, while a cooling-off period can do you both a lot of good, you don’t want to wait too long. Once the memories of all the good times you had together start to fade or he meets another woman, you may have lost him for good. To make sure that doesn’t happen, here’s a step-by-step plan to get your ex boyfriend back fast.
Assess why he left
When you first met, you were both on your best behavior and a lot more tolerant of each other’s quirks. But be honest, after you got more comfortable with each other you weren’t so perfect all the time, were you? Maybe you started to take him for granted or you got a little pushy now and then. Before you can get your ex boyfriend back for good, you need to know what made him leave in the first place.
Fix problems on your end
Once you know what went wrong, you need to find a way to make sure it doesn’t happen again. It’s easy to blame his annoying habits or lack of communication skills for any tensions between you two, but ultimately you are responsible for your reactions to whatever he does. You’ll either have to find a better way to deal with whatever he did that irritated you or decide maybe he wasn’t the right guy for you after all.
Plan your first contact
So, hopefully you haven’t already called him a dozen times and sent six emails titled “Please reply, I can’t live without you.” If you have, the rest of this article may not help you. If not, though, you still have the option of carefully planning how you’re going to get to see him again. Stay away from pathetic excuses and go for something fun and casual like inviting him out with him out with some of your friends to do something the two of you used to enjoy doing together.
Be open and flexible
Once you do get to talk to him, let him do the complaining and you do the listening. That doesn’t mean you should give in to all his demands, but at least hear him out before you jump in with your own opinions.
Remember, even if they weren’t obvious to you, he had good reasons to leave. If you’re going to be a couple again, you’ll need to do some compromising. One good tactic to get him to open up is to ask if he’d be willing to tell you what he felt went wrong in the relationship so you can learn from your mistakes.
You can probably get your ex boyfriend back a lot sooner than you think, but you need to have a proven plan to follow. Some of the free tips online may just backfire on you and make the split permanent. When you choose a proven plan designed by an experienced relationship counselor, though, you can not only get your ex boyfriend back, you can do it without any stress and drama.
Friday, February 3
Monday, April 18
What A Good Quiz For A Relationship Can Reveal
Can a quiz for a relationship really tell you anything you don’t already know? The answer is often yes, but you have to make sure you’re taking a well designed quiz created by someone with some real credentials. Find one of those and there are some very interesting things you can learn about what’s in store for your relationship.
Overall compatibility:
Don’t feel like relying on your horoscope to guide you to your soul mate? A good quiz for a relationship may not be able to tell you where your soul mate is, but it can give you an idea whether or not the person you’re with now might be it. Quiz results can give you insight into important factors like compatibility of beliefs, habits, and long-term goals.
Healthy or not?
If you’ve ever been stuck in an unhealthy relationship that involved physical or psychological abuse, no doubt you never want to be in one again. The worst thing about these situations is that it’s often hard to see where things are headed; until its too late.
That’s where a quiz for a relationship comes in. By asking the right questions, a relationship quiz can help you pick up on early warning signs, that you and your partner may not only be incompatible, but may actually be in an unhealthy situation.
Eternal love or dead end?
No matter how crazy you are about each other right now, you can never be 100% sure it will last. You can, however, get some idea, whether you have a good chance or you’re doomed to break up, though. Questions about how you envision the future with your partner and what kinds of plans you’ve made together can give you a fair amount of insight into this.
What problems are in store?
Yep, every relationship has some problems. Having an idea about what yours might be, gives you a chance to head them off before they get too serious. A well designed quiz for a relationship uses questions that help you zero in on potential problems which could grow into something bigger and be a deal breaker.
The quiz does this by asking questions like how do you deal with your partner’s annoying habits, what causes of any moments of tension between you, and what emotions seem to characterize your relationship.
How others see you!
Even if there aren’t any problems between you, your relationship could still face pressure from outside forces. It might be due to difference in age, race, social status, or any number of things you overlook when you’re deeply inlove. Unfortunately, your family and close friends, may not overlook these things and constant criticism from them can put a strain on the relationship. You need to be aware of what social problems you might run into so you can discuss how you’re going to handle them.
A quiz for a relationship can tell you a lot about what you and your partner have to look forward to in the near future. Just remember, though, no two relationships are the same, so no matter how accurate the test, be ready for a few surprises all the same.
Overall compatibility:
Don’t feel like relying on your horoscope to guide you to your soul mate? A good quiz for a relationship may not be able to tell you where your soul mate is, but it can give you an idea whether or not the person you’re with now might be it. Quiz results can give you insight into important factors like compatibility of beliefs, habits, and long-term goals.
Healthy or not?
If you’ve ever been stuck in an unhealthy relationship that involved physical or psychological abuse, no doubt you never want to be in one again. The worst thing about these situations is that it’s often hard to see where things are headed; until its too late.
That’s where a quiz for a relationship comes in. By asking the right questions, a relationship quiz can help you pick up on early warning signs, that you and your partner may not only be incompatible, but may actually be in an unhealthy situation.
Eternal love or dead end?
No matter how crazy you are about each other right now, you can never be 100% sure it will last. You can, however, get some idea, whether you have a good chance or you’re doomed to break up, though. Questions about how you envision the future with your partner and what kinds of plans you’ve made together can give you a fair amount of insight into this.
What problems are in store?
Yep, every relationship has some problems. Having an idea about what yours might be, gives you a chance to head them off before they get too serious. A well designed quiz for a relationship uses questions that help you zero in on potential problems which could grow into something bigger and be a deal breaker.
The quiz does this by asking questions like how do you deal with your partner’s annoying habits, what causes of any moments of tension between you, and what emotions seem to characterize your relationship.
How others see you!
Even if there aren’t any problems between you, your relationship could still face pressure from outside forces. It might be due to difference in age, race, social status, or any number of things you overlook when you’re deeply inlove. Unfortunately, your family and close friends, may not overlook these things and constant criticism from them can put a strain on the relationship. You need to be aware of what social problems you might run into so you can discuss how you’re going to handle them.
A quiz for a relationship can tell you a lot about what you and your partner have to look forward to in the near future. Just remember, though, no two relationships are the same, so no matter how accurate the test, be ready for a few surprises all the same.
Tuesday, March 15
How To Win An Ex Boyfriend Back With Class
Ever had a friend whose best idea for how to win an ex boyfriend back was to show up at his house with a casserole and a list of apologies? Remember how embarrassed you were for her? So, now you’re in the same position and know exactly how she felt, but just because you can sympathize with her doesn’t mean you have to act like her. If you’re hoping to get your guy back without losing your self-respect, here’s what you can do.
Learn how men think!
The main reason so many of us are willing to do over-the-top things when trying to figure out how to win an ex boyfriend back is because those things work on us. Think about it: gifts, lover letters, persistent phone calls—even if those tactics are annoying, when they come from a man you once loved, they do get to you, don’t they?
Men, on the other hand, just don’t work that way. It may sound harsh, but your guy isn’t going to shed tears of remorse over your heart-felt love letter. In order to avoid doing something that’s going to make you look like some crazy stalker chick, spend some time learning how to communicate in a calm, logical style your guy can relate to.
Accentuate the positive!
Like our friend in the introduction, some women go out of their way to prove to their ex that they can live without him. They start wearing flashy clothes or going to nightclubs even if they don’t feel comfortable doing it. Unfortunately, this trick is pretty easy for a guy to see through. After all, if you weren’t doing those things before you met him, the only reason you’d be doing them after the break up…is him. That doesn’t exactly make you look independent, now does it? Instead of trying to transform yourself into someone else, become a better version of the person you were before you met your ex.
Find things to do together!
You didn’t spend all your time making out, did you? (And if you did, that explains the relationship troubles.) You spent time together on hobbies and activities that you both enjoyed. If you’re looking for a way to see your ex again, this is your in. Say you both belonged to a bird watching club. You could join a different bird watching club and invite him to the first big event they have.
Be honest!
One of the best tips around for how to win an ex boyfriend back is to simply be mature and reasonable. Whining and blaming your ex for everything that went wrong is definitely not classy. Instead, be the better woman and accept your fair share of the blame—no more, no less.
This means you have to take a close look at anything you might have done to make him want to get away from you. Were you getting a little demanding because you’d started taking him for granted? Were you overly emotional because you felt him starting to drift away and panicked? If so, accept responsibility for your behavior and try to explain what caused it.
Follow these steps for how to win an ex boyfriend back and even if your guy chooses not to return, at least you’ll keep your self respect. Of courses, if you want a truly effective method for how to win an ex boyfriend back, skip the free tips online and look for advice from a successful relationship counselor.
Learn how men think!
The main reason so many of us are willing to do over-the-top things when trying to figure out how to win an ex boyfriend back is because those things work on us. Think about it: gifts, lover letters, persistent phone calls—even if those tactics are annoying, when they come from a man you once loved, they do get to you, don’t they?
Men, on the other hand, just don’t work that way. It may sound harsh, but your guy isn’t going to shed tears of remorse over your heart-felt love letter. In order to avoid doing something that’s going to make you look like some crazy stalker chick, spend some time learning how to communicate in a calm, logical style your guy can relate to.
Accentuate the positive!
Like our friend in the introduction, some women go out of their way to prove to their ex that they can live without him. They start wearing flashy clothes or going to nightclubs even if they don’t feel comfortable doing it. Unfortunately, this trick is pretty easy for a guy to see through. After all, if you weren’t doing those things before you met him, the only reason you’d be doing them after the break up…is him. That doesn’t exactly make you look independent, now does it? Instead of trying to transform yourself into someone else, become a better version of the person you were before you met your ex.
Find things to do together!
You didn’t spend all your time making out, did you? (And if you did, that explains the relationship troubles.) You spent time together on hobbies and activities that you both enjoyed. If you’re looking for a way to see your ex again, this is your in. Say you both belonged to a bird watching club. You could join a different bird watching club and invite him to the first big event they have.
Be honest!
One of the best tips around for how to win an ex boyfriend back is to simply be mature and reasonable. Whining and blaming your ex for everything that went wrong is definitely not classy. Instead, be the better woman and accept your fair share of the blame—no more, no less.
This means you have to take a close look at anything you might have done to make him want to get away from you. Were you getting a little demanding because you’d started taking him for granted? Were you overly emotional because you felt him starting to drift away and panicked? If so, accept responsibility for your behavior and try to explain what caused it.
Follow these steps for how to win an ex boyfriend back and even if your guy chooses not to return, at least you’ll keep your self respect. Of courses, if you want a truly effective method for how to win an ex boyfriend back, skip the free tips online and look for advice from a successful relationship counselor.
Saturday, February 26
10 Ways To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Fast
Some romantic break ups just aren't meant to be, and are worth trying to repair. Are you trying to get your ex husband or ex-boyfriend back? The first thing that you need to do, is to determine whether or not this is actually what you want to accomplish. Once you have made up your mind and have decided that you want to get your former boyfriend or spouse back, then some of the following, ten ways to get your ex boyfriend back, may be able to help.
1 - Take the time to figure out why the breakup occurred. Is there something that you can change? Sometimes people get comfortable in their relationships and let themselves go, and all it takes to repair this problem is to discover what it is and make a change.
2 - Never personally tell him that you want him back. The odds are, he is missing you too. Play a little bit hard to get and let him remember why he misses you and wants you back. Whatever you do don't overplay this card, as it could have disastrous consequences for you.
3 - Take a look at how you present yourself. Do you make an effort to dress up for your ex boyfriend, or are you too comfortable around him for that now? If you used to dress more nicely and perhaps more provocative, consider going back to that. If you dress to impress, he may find himself wanting you back.
4 - Get a little closer to his male friends to stir up a bit of jealousy. Some times all that it takes is to remind him how much he wants you back by making him a little jealous. However, a word of caution when using this tactic; it could possibly backfire on you.
5 - Think about how you talk to him, in comparison to how you used to talk to him. Talk to him the same way that you want to be spoken to if you want to reignite a romantic feeling between the two of you. Bring back the "sweet terms of endearment" you guys used when you first fell in love with each other.
6 - Ask him out after you have formed a game plan, and show him that you can still have fun together with one another. Don't worry about complicating things by working out the issues now, just show him that you guys can still have fun and watch things reignite accordingly.
7 - Force yourself to be laid back and even confident when you are around him. Do not stress yourself out worrying about talking things through with him. Most guys prefer girls that know what is best for them.
8 - Don't focus on him too hard. Don't outright ignore your ex boyfriend, but take some of your focus away from him and let him wonder about it. Tell him you're busy or just have a lot going on, rather than making it about him. Let him sit and stew, and he may end up being the one rekindling things! Once again don't overdo it.
9 - Act like you know he cares about you, but that you're not all together affected by it. The moment he realizes you're getting over him, he may be much more willing to do the chasing. Let him remember how important you are and see what happens.
10 - Show him that you can have plenty of fun without him. Don't be mean in how you act around former lover, but show him that you're having a good time with your friends and he may remember why he fell in love with you in the first place.
These 10 ways to get your ex boyfriend back are not set in stone and you should be flexible. Use your commonsense and allow the truthfulness of your love too shine through and hopefully your ex will be back in your arms before you know it.
1 - Take the time to figure out why the breakup occurred. Is there something that you can change? Sometimes people get comfortable in their relationships and let themselves go, and all it takes to repair this problem is to discover what it is and make a change.
2 - Never personally tell him that you want him back. The odds are, he is missing you too. Play a little bit hard to get and let him remember why he misses you and wants you back. Whatever you do don't overplay this card, as it could have disastrous consequences for you.
3 - Take a look at how you present yourself. Do you make an effort to dress up for your ex boyfriend, or are you too comfortable around him for that now? If you used to dress more nicely and perhaps more provocative, consider going back to that. If you dress to impress, he may find himself wanting you back.
4 - Get a little closer to his male friends to stir up a bit of jealousy. Some times all that it takes is to remind him how much he wants you back by making him a little jealous. However, a word of caution when using this tactic; it could possibly backfire on you.
5 - Think about how you talk to him, in comparison to how you used to talk to him. Talk to him the same way that you want to be spoken to if you want to reignite a romantic feeling between the two of you. Bring back the "sweet terms of endearment" you guys used when you first fell in love with each other.
6 - Ask him out after you have formed a game plan, and show him that you can still have fun together with one another. Don't worry about complicating things by working out the issues now, just show him that you guys can still have fun and watch things reignite accordingly.
7 - Force yourself to be laid back and even confident when you are around him. Do not stress yourself out worrying about talking things through with him. Most guys prefer girls that know what is best for them.
8 - Don't focus on him too hard. Don't outright ignore your ex boyfriend, but take some of your focus away from him and let him wonder about it. Tell him you're busy or just have a lot going on, rather than making it about him. Let him sit and stew, and he may end up being the one rekindling things! Once again don't overdo it.
9 - Act like you know he cares about you, but that you're not all together affected by it. The moment he realizes you're getting over him, he may be much more willing to do the chasing. Let him remember how important you are and see what happens.
10 - Show him that you can have plenty of fun without him. Don't be mean in how you act around former lover, but show him that you're having a good time with your friends and he may remember why he fell in love with you in the first place.
These 10 ways to get your ex boyfriend back are not set in stone and you should be flexible. Use your commonsense and allow the truthfulness of your love too shine through and hopefully your ex will be back in your arms before you know it.
Tuesday, March 2
6 Ways To Get Your Ex-Back In 3 Days
We make relationships to enjoy life. Even it perhaps a lot of sacrifices to keep a relationship and to make it work, many of us prefer to make these sacrifices just to have near the person we love and like to spend time with.
Sometimes it happens that a relationship ends even that there is still love between the partners. This happens when one of the partners makes some regular mistakes and has a bad behavior towards the other. But usually the one who is guilty for ending the relationship are men who figures out too late how much it cares about the other and wants to change only after lose her.
There is nothing worst that being dumped by the one you love and believed was "the one". Trying to get a woman back in to your life is difficult. If you lost your true love because of you and really want to get her back, don't desperate. Your situation is not necessarily hopeless.
At some point in life, we all lose something that we really wish we held on to - in this case, you lost your love and you need to get your ex back. Getting back together with your lost love is not about “getting” them back or even relationship repair. It's about wining them back. Winning them back implies a few important things semantically. It implies effort from your part.
First off all call her and tell her that you really want to see her. If she wants to take lunch with you make it so your ex notice that you are changed, that you thought about why did she leave you and she had right because there are many reasons why she left. Apologize sincerely.
If she doesn't want to talk to you by not picking up the phone when you call her, just surprise her by waiting in front of the office where she works and offer to walk her home when her program in over. But before assure that she is not having a boyfriend yet, because it might happen that someone else is waiting for her so your chance is ruined.
Act like you just starting dating, make her feel special. Be honest, and tell her that you still love her. Use the past to your advantage and let her know that anyone deserves a second chance, that things will be different now. Do not stalk her; she might think that you are very desperate. Just tell her that you are ready to make your relationship a priority in your life.
If you can get a date with her, be positive, laugh and smile. Make her feel good. Subtly touch her when she's talking. You must raise the level of attraction between the two of you, if she still loves you; you know that she has a weakness towards you.
If she didn't fall into your arms after your date don’t give up. Call her often and just tell her how you feel. Also you can make something special for her, like sending flowers and buy her gifts. Don't forget about anniversary and birthday.
E-mail her and let her know that you are available any time if she wants to have a date with you. Also assure her that you don't frequent another girls and she is the most important for you.
Be yourself, show her that you don't play games and your intentions are very serious. Also, don't be jealous if she had a date with another guy if she is now ready to get back with you and renounce to the other guy.
With this ways, a little luck and your personal charm you can get your girlfriend back faster than you think.
Sometimes it happens that a relationship ends even that there is still love between the partners. This happens when one of the partners makes some regular mistakes and has a bad behavior towards the other. But usually the one who is guilty for ending the relationship are men who figures out too late how much it cares about the other and wants to change only after lose her.
There is nothing worst that being dumped by the one you love and believed was "the one". Trying to get a woman back in to your life is difficult. If you lost your true love because of you and really want to get her back, don't desperate. Your situation is not necessarily hopeless.
At some point in life, we all lose something that we really wish we held on to - in this case, you lost your love and you need to get your ex back. Getting back together with your lost love is not about “getting” them back or even relationship repair. It's about wining them back. Winning them back implies a few important things semantically. It implies effort from your part.
First off all call her and tell her that you really want to see her. If she wants to take lunch with you make it so your ex notice that you are changed, that you thought about why did she leave you and she had right because there are many reasons why she left. Apologize sincerely.
If she doesn't want to talk to you by not picking up the phone when you call her, just surprise her by waiting in front of the office where she works and offer to walk her home when her program in over. But before assure that she is not having a boyfriend yet, because it might happen that someone else is waiting for her so your chance is ruined.
Act like you just starting dating, make her feel special. Be honest, and tell her that you still love her. Use the past to your advantage and let her know that anyone deserves a second chance, that things will be different now. Do not stalk her; she might think that you are very desperate. Just tell her that you are ready to make your relationship a priority in your life.
If you can get a date with her, be positive, laugh and smile. Make her feel good. Subtly touch her when she's talking. You must raise the level of attraction between the two of you, if she still loves you; you know that she has a weakness towards you.
If she didn't fall into your arms after your date don’t give up. Call her often and just tell her how you feel. Also you can make something special for her, like sending flowers and buy her gifts. Don't forget about anniversary and birthday.
E-mail her and let her know that you are available any time if she wants to have a date with you. Also assure her that you don't frequent another girls and she is the most important for you.
Be yourself, show her that you don't play games and your intentions are very serious. Also, don't be jealous if she had a date with another guy if she is now ready to get back with you and renounce to the other guy.
With this ways, a little luck and your personal charm you can get your girlfriend back faster than you think.
Saturday, November 21
How To Win Ex Back At The Woobly Stage
If your ex is at the weebly wobbly stage then you can easily win an ex back. What do I mean? Well, the simple metaphor of someone walking on a fence perfectly illustrates how people make decisions. Based on what stage your ex is at will largely determine how easily you will be able to win them back. Read on and learn how to win ex back in their woobly stage.
Here are the 3 stages that all people go through:
1. They are not on the fence and are perfectly happy and not willing to get on the fence.
2. They are on the fence and feeling quite comfortable. They see all the options, but don’t have a particular preference on what would be best.
3. They are on the fence and wobbling. This is the most common stage right BEFORE and AFTER a decision. The larger the decision, the higher the fence will seem to them and the more unstable they will be.
Let me give you a quick example of how this works.
Think about making a large purchase such as a car.
For years you have been content with your car. The last thing in the world you would ever want to do is go through the stressful process of buying a car. (Here you are off the fence and stable)
One day you are out driving and you begin to notice a clicking noise. This causes you to think about a new car, but you quickly dismiss the idea and figure that the noise really isn’t that bad. (Here you are on the fence and stable)
The next day you are talking with your friend who mentions a large repair bill he just had. After hearing this, you realized that you better think more about your options.
Now you are wobbling….
You think, “a new car means that you need $2000 down and $500 a month in payments. It also means that your insurance is sure to go up.” On the other hand, “maybe the repairs are worth it…after all, old faithful must have a few years left.”
Now you don’t know what to do and you are wobbling. You realize that a big decision is imminent. When you are at the weebly wobbly stage, you are the most uncertain about your decision-making process and are more likely to be influenced.
WARNING! I must warn you that you are most likely to win an ex back at this stage…but you must be very careful. While your ex may be easily influenced to come back, he or she may also be very emotional at this point.
So where is your ex at? If they are at the weebly wobbly stage, you have an excellent chance of winning an ex back. However, if they are not, you may be able to gently coax them toward this stage. Does all that make sense? Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of how to read your ex and some of the clues you need to know to determine what your ex may be thinking about you and the possibility of your future together.
Here are the 3 stages that all people go through:
1. They are not on the fence and are perfectly happy and not willing to get on the fence.
2. They are on the fence and feeling quite comfortable. They see all the options, but don’t have a particular preference on what would be best.
3. They are on the fence and wobbling. This is the most common stage right BEFORE and AFTER a decision. The larger the decision, the higher the fence will seem to them and the more unstable they will be.
Let me give you a quick example of how this works.
Think about making a large purchase such as a car.
For years you have been content with your car. The last thing in the world you would ever want to do is go through the stressful process of buying a car. (Here you are off the fence and stable)
One day you are out driving and you begin to notice a clicking noise. This causes you to think about a new car, but you quickly dismiss the idea and figure that the noise really isn’t that bad. (Here you are on the fence and stable)
The next day you are talking with your friend who mentions a large repair bill he just had. After hearing this, you realized that you better think more about your options.
Now you are wobbling….
You think, “a new car means that you need $2000 down and $500 a month in payments. It also means that your insurance is sure to go up.” On the other hand, “maybe the repairs are worth it…after all, old faithful must have a few years left.”
Now you don’t know what to do and you are wobbling. You realize that a big decision is imminent. When you are at the weebly wobbly stage, you are the most uncertain about your decision-making process and are more likely to be influenced.
WARNING! I must warn you that you are most likely to win an ex back at this stage…but you must be very careful. While your ex may be easily influenced to come back, he or she may also be very emotional at this point.
So where is your ex at? If they are at the weebly wobbly stage, you have an excellent chance of winning an ex back. However, if they are not, you may be able to gently coax them toward this stage. Does all that make sense? Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of how to read your ex and some of the clues you need to know to determine what your ex may be thinking about you and the possibility of your future together.

Thursday, November 19
I Want My Ex Back
You may not have the desire to eat. You can not have a good sleep now. This is because you just broke up with your ex. You really wish that your ex will call you. You are not thinking what you should do if you meet your ex on the street. You keep asking yourself "how to get my ex back"! In fact, you are desperately telling everyone "I want my EX back"
There are a few steps you can take in order to do so so that you can get your ex back.
#1 First of all, you will need to make your ex to have the passion again. Yet, you do not call her and just say that you still love her. You need to know what to do at the right time. For example, if you know that your ex will come back from a business trip very soon, you can go to the airport and drive your ex back home.
#2 Remember, you have already broken up. Before you can know the answer to the question "how to get my ex back", you should try to understand why you broke up. This is very important. Is it your fault? If this is the case, you should try to make sure that you will not make the same mistake again. You should also let your ex know that you will not do the same again!
#3 You need to take some actions. You need to act as soon as possible. You have already broken up and there is a chance that your ex will try to get another boyfriend or girlfriend. As a result, after you know how to answer the question "how to get my ex back", you need to do whatever you can as soon as possible so that you will not regret!
There are a few steps you can take in order to do so so that you can get your ex back.
#1 First of all, you will need to make your ex to have the passion again. Yet, you do not call her and just say that you still love her. You need to know what to do at the right time. For example, if you know that your ex will come back from a business trip very soon, you can go to the airport and drive your ex back home.
#2 Remember, you have already broken up. Before you can know the answer to the question "how to get my ex back", you should try to understand why you broke up. This is very important. Is it your fault? If this is the case, you should try to make sure that you will not make the same mistake again. You should also let your ex know that you will not do the same again!
#3 You need to take some actions. You need to act as soon as possible. You have already broken up and there is a chance that your ex will try to get another boyfriend or girlfriend. As a result, after you know how to answer the question "how to get my ex back", you need to do whatever you can as soon as possible so that you will not regret!

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