Thursday, April 30

I Hate My Ex Girlfriend But I Still Want Her Back

"I hate my ex girlfriend but I still want her back" Are you still chanting this sad lines? Well if you're one of those guys who had their relationship over but still love their ex girlfriend, then I've got the biggest tip for you. You can still have her back. 100% Sure.

You can have her back if you follow this advice. And that is to start being a great person again.

You know, you were a challenge for her. You had a high value and she was irresistibly attracted to you but as time went on, you became less and less of a challenge for her. And could it be that right now, you are zero challenge for her? And that she knows if she wanted to, at any time she could get you back again and wrapped around her finger just by saying the word?

I'm going to be crude here, but as you know, to become a challenge again you need to demonstrate to your ex that her sexuality has no more control over you. Think about what it's like when you're stalking her with unreturned phone calls, voice mails, text messages, and emails. And then think about what it's like when you keep doing it (as a lot of guys do) even after she's told you to stop. You're indicating to the woman that you're a low-value guy with no other sexual options.

She won't respect you again until you refuse her sexual power over you. Fortunately you're doing that now by not directly communicating with her.

Make sure you stay 100% strict with your communication cut-off. Do not be "friends" with her, as that rewards her with the continued validation of power over you while giving her a convenient excuse to stay broken up. (She reasons that she's letting you down easy that way, assuaging any guilt she may feel.)

Also, keep out of those revenge ideas on ex boyfriend or girlfriend. They are useless and will just make you look like pathetic and will result for even worst scenario

However, make sure to keep her locked in with your stuff. Most likely a lot of your possessions are at her place, and vice versa. She may even owe you money as well. She may get a mutual friend of yours to ask you if you want all of it back.

The best answer to this is "No, not yet." The reason is because her holding onto your stuff (and you holding onto hers) is still locking you two in and ensuring future communication. You do NOT want to give her the psychological closure that would come from settling your accounts.

For the next few weeks, you need to fully accept -- and embrace -- the fact that you're an independent man now. If after this, your ex still doesn't come back to you, then this only means that you have no hope of getting back to each other. But who cares? You already move on and is not communicating with him or her. You've got a golden opportunity to revolutionize your life.

Tuesday, April 28

Revenge Ideas On Ex Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

I hate my ex girlfriend
! I hate my ex boyfriend! Well, you probably had say that a thousand times. I might guess that your ex hurt you or treated you bad. Whether they have cheated on you, betrayed you, abused you emotionally or physically, played with your emotions, taken money from you, turned your friends and family against you, crushed your self confidence or made you so angry that you cannot think straight then you are right in seeking revenge. Well, it's time for some revenge ideas on ex boyfriend or girlfriend.

- Clean the underside of their toilet bowl with their toothbrush.
- Sprinkle pepper on their stove burners.
- Scissors. Excellent for cutting clothes! If you still have access to your ex wardrobe, why not re-style their ties with a little snip here and there? Or, why not make one shirt sleeve shorter than the other? Or New shoe laces are such a pain to thread. It takes me forever to put a new pair in and get the ends the same length. Snip. Snip. Snip.
- Put in a change of address form for his/her address at the post office.
- Add their address to every junk and porn mail mailing list you can find.
- Pour sugar in their gas tank.
- Superglue their keyholes
- Report him/her to the IRS as needing an audit.
- Have your ex's utilities disconnected.
- Report them to the health department as spreading STD.
- Sprinkle nails in your ex's driveway.
- Dump a truckload of garbage on your ex's front lawn, preferably horse manure.
- Paint a penis and balls onto the side of his car with the caption "passenger needed".
- Get your ex drunk and give them a Mohawk, shave off one eye brow, or half his mustache while they are passed out.
- Place an unbelievably GREAT-deal classified ad in the local newspaper using your ex's phone number.
- Using the internet is a great way to publicly humiliate your ex, you can send a photo of your ex to multiple social networking sites. Maybe you have an embarrassing picture of him?
- Advertise their sexual services? sure why not? you know they are lousy in bed anyway send out a warning to any future victims. I mean partners they may met. Ruining his sexual reputation will hurt a lot.

These are some of the revenge ideas on ex boyfriend or girlfriend, you might use to show your ex a thing or two. Just remember to assess yourself first before doing any of this. Can you handle the consequences of what you've done? Do you really want your boyfriend to be so angry? Well, if you're not sure, then better break up gently with your exes and have a talk in a nice restaurant. But if he/she done too much damage? Then it's really time to take a step and take revenge on that devil.

Friday, April 3

Revenge Ideas On Ex Boyfriend

For most of the people, Love gives life. It gives inspiration, put smiles, turn world upside down and complete each day. Love indeed gives these all, but Love might also turn into breakups and relationships that will end. And break ups cause misery and sadness. Some people want to think of revenge ideas on ex boyfriend or girlfriend. Before we explore these revenge ideas, let us take you to the whole cycle of love and being broken.

Exploring Romantic Love

Let us explore some more about romantic love and break ups. A person who becomes totally involved with love loses his/her identity. The whole being revolves around the love. All the ambitions, all desires, all pains, everything in life gets related to love. Such lovers feel destroyed after the break up. If love is only a part of life one can survive easily after the break up. But will any poet call such kind of love as true love? The definition of true love means you give your self totally away to your beloved. You dream, eat, enjoy, and cry, laugh, work, what ever you do is all centered around your beloved. You live in that love. And hence you die once you are betrayed. If you are in true romantic love, you can not live for a day without your lover, hence it becomes impossible to live for a life time. The pain of separation and of betrayal becomes so bad, that the sadness kills the essence of living.


For those who have been betrayed in love, it becomes impossible to understand about how their lover could betray them? It is like a child stabbing the mother. Imagine the pain of the mother who brought up her child with nothing but love, care and took every pain to see that her child was happy. The betrayed lover feels something similar and even more. So what is to be done?

Revenge Or Remedy

Revenge is one of the most sought out thing to do next after a betrayal. Many people do such stupid things to get even with the one who broke their heart. Girls make their selves pretty and look a man better than their ex. Men become playboys and fool around with girls. Some people go beyond limit and really take revenge like ruining a part of the life of their exes. These people who want to think of revenge ideas are usually still have feelings with their ex. Whether it is love or grudge, the one thing sure, is that they're really affected with what had become of their relationship.

Is their any remedy for such people? Turn to God for help. Pray. Look at the most suffering section of the society, such as children suffering from cancer and try to do something to help them. Find out those who are facing unimaginable hardships and do something to make their life better. Take your thoughts away from your own pain and look at others undergoing much worse pain. Contribute in someway to help this world become a better place. That is the answer for betrayal and a bad break up.